Source code for sfs.mono.drivingfunction

"""Compute driving functions for various systems."""

import numpy as np
from numpy.core.umath_tests import inner1d  # element-wise inner product
from scipy.special import sph_jn, sph_yn, jn, hankel2
from .. import util
from .. import defs

[docs]def wfs_2d_line(omega, x0, n0, xs, c=None): """Line source by 2-dimensional WFS. :: D(x0,k) = j/2 k (x0-xs) n0 / |x0-xs| * H1(k |x0-xs|) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) xs = util.asarray_1d(xs) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) ds = x0 - xs r = np.linalg.norm(ds, axis=1) return -1j/2 * k * inner1d(ds, n0) / r * hankel2(1, k * r)
def _wfs_point(omega, x0, n0, xs, c=None): """Point source by two- or three-dimensional WFS. :: (x0-xs) n0 D(x0,k) = j k ------------- e^(-j k |x0-xs|) |x0-xs|^(3/2) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) xs = util.asarray_1d(xs) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) ds = x0 - xs r = np.linalg.norm(ds, axis=1) return 1j * k * inner1d(ds, n0) / r ** (3 / 2) * np.exp(-1j * k * r) wfs_2d_point = _wfs_point
[docs]def wfs_25d_point(omega, x0, n0, xs, xref=[0, 0, 0], c=None, omalias=None): """Point source by 2.5-dimensional WFS. :: ____________ (x0-xs) n0 D(x0,k) = \|j k |xref-x0| ------------- e^(-j k |x0-xs|) |x0-xs|^(3/2) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) xs = util.asarray_1d(xs) xref = util.asarray_1d(xref) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) ds = x0 - xs r = np.linalg.norm(ds, axis=1) return wfs_25d_preeq(omega, omalias, c) * \ np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(xref - x0)) * inner1d(ds, n0) / \ r ** (3 / 2) * np.exp(-1j * k * r)
wfs_3d_point = _wfs_point def _wfs_plane(omega, x0, n0, n=[0, 1, 0], c=None): """Plane wave by two- or three-dimensional WFS. Eq.(17) from [Spors et al, 2008]:: D(x0,k) = j k n n0 e^(-j k n x0) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) n = util.asarray_1d(n) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) return 2j * k * np.inner(n, n0) * np.exp(-1j * k * np.inner(n, x0)) wfs_2d_plane = _wfs_plane
[docs]def wfs_25d_plane(omega, x0, n0, n=[0, 1, 0], xref=[0, 0, 0], c=None, omalias=None): """Plane wave by 2.5-dimensional WFS. :: ____________ D_2.5D(x0,w) = \|j k |xref-x0| n n0 e^(-j k n x0) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) n = util.asarray_1d(n) xref = util.asarray_1d(xref) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) return wfs_25d_preeq(omega, omalias, c) * \ np.sqrt(2*np.pi * np.linalg.norm(xref - x0)) * \ np.inner(n, n0) * np.exp(-1j * k * np.inner(n, x0))
wfs_3d_plane = _wfs_plane def _wfs_focused(omega, x0, n0, xs, c=None): """Focused source by two- or three-dimensional WFS. :: (x0-xs) n0 D(x0,k) = j k ------------- e^(j k |x0-xs|) |x0-xs|^(3/2) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) xs = util.asarray_1d(xs) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) ds = x0 - xs r = np.linalg.norm(ds, axis=1) return 1j * k * inner1d(ds, n0) / r ** (3 / 2) * np.exp(1j * k * r) wfs_2d_focused = _wfs_focused
[docs]def wfs_25d_focused(omega, x0, n0, xs, xref=[0, 0, 0], c=None, omalias=None): """Focused source by 2.5-dimensional WFS. :: ____________ (x0-xs) n0 D(x0,w) = \|j k |xref-x0| ------------- e^(j k |x0-xs|) |x0-xs|^(3/2) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) xs = util.asarray_1d(xs) xref = util.asarray_1d(xref) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) ds = x0 - xs r = np.linalg.norm(ds, axis=1) return wfs_25d_preeq(omega, omalias, c) * \ np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(xref - x0)) * inner1d(ds, n0) / \ r ** (3 / 2) * np.exp(1j * k * r)
wfs_3d_focused = _wfs_focused
[docs]def wfs_25d_preeq(omega, omalias, c): """Preqeualization for 2.5D WFS.""" if omalias is None: return np.sqrt(1j * util.wavenumber(omega, c)) else: if omega <= omalias: return np.sqrt(1j * util.wavenumber(omega, c)) else: return np.sqrt(1j * util.wavenumber(omalias, c))
[docs]def delay_3d_plane(omega, x0, n0, n=[0, 1, 0], c=None): """Plane wave by simple delay of secondary sources.""" x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n = util.asarray_1d(n) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) return np.exp(-1j * k * np.inner(n, x0))
[docs]def source_selection_plane(n0, n): """Secondary source selection for a plane wave. Eq.(13) from [Spors et al, 2008] """ n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) n = util.asarray_1d(n) return np.inner(n, n0) >= defs.selection_tolerance
[docs]def source_selection_point(n0, x0, xs): """Secondary source selection for a point source. Eq.(15) from [Spors et al, 2008] """ n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) xs = util.asarray_1d(xs) ds = x0 - xs return inner1d(ds, n0) >= defs.selection_tolerance
[docs]def source_selection_line(n0, x0, xs): """Secondary source selection for a line source. compare Eq.(15) from [Spors et al, 2008] """ return source_selection_point(n0, x0, xs)
[docs]def source_selection_focused(ns, x0, xs): """Secondary source selection for a focused source. Eq.(2.78) from [Wierstorf, 2014] """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) xs = util.asarray_1d(xs) ns = util.asarray_1d(ns) ds = xs - x0 return inner1d(ns, ds) >= defs.selection_tolerance
[docs]def source_selection_all(N): """Select all secondary sources.""" return np.ones(N) >= 0
[docs]def nfchoa_2d_plane(omega, x0, r0, n=[0, 1, 0], c=None): """Plane wave by two-dimensional NFC-HOA. :: __ 2i \ i^-m D(phi0,w) = - ----- /__ ---------- e^(i m (phi0-phi_pw)) pi r0 m=-N..N (2) Hm (w/c r0) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) alpha, beta, r = util.cart2sph(n[0], n[1], n[2]) alpha0, beta0, tmp = util.cart2sph(x0[:, 0], x0[:, 1], x0[:, 2]) # determine max order of circular harmonics M = _hoa_order_2d(len(x0)) # compute driving function d = 0 for m in np.arange(-M, M): d = d + 1j**(-m) / hankel2(m, k * r0) * \ np.exp(1j * m * (alpha0 - alpha)) return - 2j / (np.pi*r0) * d
[docs]def nfchoa_25d_point(omega, x0, r0, xs, c=None): """Point source by 2.5-dimensional NFC-HOA. :: __ (2) 1 \ h|m| (w/c r) D(phi0,w) = ----- /__ ------------- e^(i m (phi0-phi)) 2pi r0 m=-N..N (2) h|m| (w/c r0) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) alpha, beta, r = util.cart2sph(xs[0], xs[1], xs[2]) alpha0, beta0, tmp = util.cart2sph(x0[:, 0], x0[:, 1], x0[:, 2]) # determine max order of circular harmonics M = _hoa_order_2d(len(x0)) # compute driving function d = 0 a = _sph_hn2(M, k * r) / _sph_hn2(M, k * r0) for m in np.arange(-M, M): d += a[0, abs(m)] * np.exp(1j * m * (alpha0 - alpha)) return 1 / (2 * np.pi * r0) * d
[docs]def nfchoa_25d_plane(omega, x0, r0, n=[0, 1, 0], c=None): """Plane wave by 2.5-dimensional NFC-HOA. :: __ 2i \ i^|m| D_25D(phi0,w) = -- /__ ------------------ e^(i m (phi0-phi_pw) ) r0 m=-N..N (2) w/c h|m| (w/c r0) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) alpha, beta, r = util.cart2sph(n[0], n[1], n[2]) alpha0, beta0, tmp = util.cart2sph(x0[:, 0], x0[:, 1], x0[:, 2]) # determine max order of circular harmonics M = _hoa_order_2d(len(x0)) # compute driving function d = 0 a = 1 / _sph_hn2(M, k * r0) for m in np.arange(-M, M): d += (1j)**(-abs(m)) * a[0, abs(m)] * \ np.exp(1j * m * (alpha0 - alpha)) return -2 / r0 * d
[docs]def sdm_2d_line(omega, x0, n0, xs, c=None): """Line source by two-dimensional SDM. The secondary sources have to be located on the x-axis (y0=0). Derived from [Spors 2009, 126th AES Convention], Eq.(9), Eq.(4):: D(x0,k) = """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) xs = util.asarray_1d(xs) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) ds = x0 - xs r = np.linalg.norm(ds, axis=1) return - 1j/2 * k * xs[1] / r * hankel2(1, k * r)
[docs]def sdm_2d_plane(omega, x0, n0, n=[0, 1, 0], c=None): """Plane wave by two-dimensional SDM. The secondary sources have to be located on the x-axis (y0=0). Derived from [Ahrens 2011, Springer], Eq.(3.73), Eq.(C.5), Eq.(C.11):: D(x0,k) = kpw,y * e^(-j*kpw,x*x) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) n = util.asarray_1d(n) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) return k * n[1] * np.exp(-1j * k * n[0] * x0[:, 0])
[docs]def sdm_25d_plane(omega, x0, n0, n=[0, 1, 0], xref=[0, 0, 0], c=None): """Plane wave by 2.5-dimensional SDM. The secondary sources have to be located on the x-axis (y0=0). Eq.(3.79) from [Ahrens 2011, Springer]:: D_2.5D(x0,w) = """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) n = util.asarray_1d(n) xref = util.asarray_1d(xref) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) return 4j * np.exp(-1j*k*n[1]*xref[1]) / hankel2(0, k*n[1]*xref[1]) * \ np.exp(-1j*k*n[0]*x0[:, 0])
[docs]def sdm_25d_point(omega, x0, n0, xs, xref=[0, 0, 0], c=None): """Point source by 2.5-dimensional SDM. The secondary sources have to be located on the x-axis (y0=0). Driving funcnction from [Spors 2010, 128th AES Covention], Eq.(24):: D(x0,k) = """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) xs = util.asarray_1d(xs) xref = util.asarray_1d(xref) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) ds = x0 - xs r = np.linalg.norm(ds, axis=1) return 1/2 * 1j * k * np.sqrt(xref[1] / (xref[1] - xs[1])) * \ xs[1] / r * hankel2(1, k * r)
[docs]def esa_edge_2d_plane(omega, x0, n=[0, 1, 0], alpha=3/2*np.pi, Nc=None, c=None): """Plane wave by two-dimensional ESA for an edge-shaped secondary source distribution consisting of monopole line sources. One leg of the secondary sources has to be located on the x-axis (y0=0), the edge at the origin. Derived from [Spors 2016, DAGA] Parameters ---------- omega : float Angular frequency. x0 : int(N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. n : (3,) array_like, optional Normal vector of synthesized plane wave. alpha : float, optional Outer angle of edge. Nc : int, optional Number of elements for series expansion of driving function. Estimated if not given. c : float, optional Speed of sound Returns ------- (N,) numpy.ndarray Complex weights of secondary sources. """ x0 = np.asarray(x0) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) phi_s = np.arctan2(n[1], n[0]) + np.pi L = x0.shape[0] r = np.linalg.norm(x0, axis=1) phi = np.arctan2(x0[:, 1], x0[:, 0]) phi = np.where(phi < 0, phi+2*np.pi, phi) if Nc is None: Nc = np.ceil(2 * k * np.max(r) * alpha/np.pi) epsilon = np.ones(Nc) # weights for series expansion epsilon[0] = 2 d = np.zeros(L, dtype=complex) for m in np.arange(Nc): nu = m*np.pi/alpha d = d + 1/epsilon[m] * np.exp(1j*nu*np.pi/2) * np.sin(nu*phi_s) \ * np.cos(nu*phi) * nu/r * jn(nu, k*r) d[phi > 0] = -d[phi > 0] return 4*np.pi/alpha * d
[docs]def esa_edge_dipole_2d_plane(omega, x0, n=[0, 1, 0], alpha=3/2*np.pi, Nc=None, c=None): """Plane wave by two-dimensional ESA for an edge-shaped secondary source distribution consisting of dipole line sources. One leg of the secondary sources has to be located on the x-axis (y0=0), the edge at the origin. Derived from [Spors 2016, DAGA] Parameters ---------- omega : float Angular frequency. x0 : int(N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. n : (3,) array_like, optional Normal vector of synthesized plane wave. alpha : float, optional Outer angle of edge. Nc : int, optional Number of elements for series expansion of driving function. Estimated if not given. c : float, optional Speed of sound Returns ------- (N,) numpy.ndarray Complex weights of secondary sources. """ x0 = np.asarray(x0) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) phi_s = np.arctan2(n[1], n[0]) + np.pi L = x0.shape[0] r = np.linalg.norm(x0, axis=1) phi = np.arctan2(x0[:, 1], x0[:, 0]) phi = np.where(phi < 0, phi+2*np.pi, phi) if Nc is None: Nc = np.ceil(2 * k * np.max(r) * alpha/np.pi) epsilon = np.ones(Nc) # weights for series expansion epsilon[0] = 2 d = np.zeros(L, dtype=complex) for m in np.arange(Nc): nu = m*np.pi/alpha d = d + 1/epsilon[m] * np.exp(1j*nu*np.pi/2) * np.cos(nu*phi_s) \ * np.cos(nu*phi) * jn(nu, k*r) return 4*np.pi/alpha * d
[docs]def esa_edge_2d_line(omega, x0, xs, alpha=3/2*np.pi, Nc=None, c=None): """Line source by two-dimensional ESA for an edge-shaped secondary source distribution constisting of monopole line sources. One leg of the secondary sources have to be located on the x-axis (y0=0), the edge at the origin. Derived from [Spors 2016, DAGA] Parameters ---------- omega : float Angular frequency. x0 : int(N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. xs : (3,) array_like Position of synthesized line source. alpha : float, optional Outer angle of edge. Nc : int, optional Number of elements for series expansion of driving function. Estimated if not given. c : float, optional Speed of sound Returns ------- (N,) numpy.ndarray Complex weights of secondary sources. """ x0 = np.asarray(x0) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) phi_s = np.arctan2(xs[1], xs[0]) if phi_s < 0: phi_s = phi_s + 2*np.pi r_s = np.linalg.norm(xs) L = x0.shape[0] r = np.linalg.norm(x0, axis=1) phi = np.arctan2(x0[:, 1], x0[:, 0]) phi = np.where(phi < 0, phi+2*np.pi, phi) if Nc is None: Nc = np.ceil(2 * k * np.max(r) * alpha/np.pi) epsilon = np.ones(Nc) # weights for series expansion epsilon[0] = 2 d = np.zeros(L, dtype=complex) idx = (r <= r_s) for m in np.arange(Nc): nu = m*np.pi/alpha f = 1/epsilon[m] * np.sin(nu*phi_s) * np.cos(nu*phi) * nu/r d[idx] = d[idx] + f[idx] * jn(nu, k*r[idx]) * hankel2(nu, k*r_s) d[~idx] = d[~idx] + f[~idx] * jn(nu, k*r_s) * hankel2(nu, k*r[~idx]) d[phi > 0] = -d[phi > 0] return -1j*np.pi/alpha * d
[docs]def esa_edge_25d_point(omega, x0, xs, xref=[2, -2, 0], alpha=3/2*np.pi, Nc=None, c=None): """Point source by 2.5-dimensional ESA for an edge-shaped secondary source distribution constisting of monopole line sources. One leg of the secondary sources have to be located on the x-axis (y0=0), the edge at the origin. Derived from [Spors 2016, DAGA] Parameters ---------- omega : float Angular frequency. x0 : int(N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. xs : (3,) array_like Position of synthesized line source. xref: (3,) array_like or float Reference position or reference distance alpha : float, optional Outer angle of edge. Nc : int, optional Number of elements for series expansion of driving function. Estimated if not given. c : float, optional Speed of sound Returns ------- (N,) numpy.ndarray Complex weights of secondary sources. """ x0 = np.asarray(x0) xs = np.asarray(xs) xref = np.asarray(xref) if np.isscalar(xref): a = np.linalg.norm(xref)/np.linalg.norm(xref-xs) else: a = np.linalg.norm(xref-x0, axis=1)/np.linalg.norm(xref-xs) return 1j*np.sqrt(a) * esa_edge_2d_line(omega, x0, xs, alpha=alpha, Nc=Nc, c=c)
[docs]def esa_edge_dipole_2d_line(omega, x0, xs, alpha=3/2*np.pi, Nc=None, c=None): """Line source by two-dimensional ESA for an edge-shaped secondary source distribution constisting of dipole line sources. One leg of the secondary sources have to be located on the x-axis (y0=0), the edge at the origin. Derived from [Spors 2016, DAGA] Parameters ---------- omega : float Angular frequency. x0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. xs : (3,) array_like Position of synthesized line source. alpha : float, optional Outer angle of edge. Nc : int, optional Number of elements for series expansion of driving function. Estimated if not given. c : float, optional Speed of sound Returns ------- (N,) numpy.ndarray Complex weights of secondary sources. """ x0 = np.asarray(x0) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) phi_s = np.arctan2(xs[1], xs[0]) if phi_s < 0: phi_s = phi_s + 2*np.pi r_s = np.linalg.norm(xs) L = x0.shape[0] r = np.linalg.norm(x0, axis=1) phi = np.arctan2(x0[:, 1], x0[:, 0]) phi = np.where(phi < 0, phi+2*np.pi, phi) if Nc is None: Nc = np.ceil(2 * k * np.max(r) * alpha/np.pi) epsilon = np.ones(Nc) # weights for series expansion epsilon[0] = 2 d = np.zeros(L, dtype=complex) idx = (r <= r_s) for m in np.arange(Nc): nu = m*np.pi/alpha f = 1/epsilon[m] * np.cos(nu*phi_s) * np.cos(nu*phi) d[idx] = d[idx] + f[idx] * jn(nu, k*r[idx]) * hankel2(nu, k*r_s) d[~idx] = d[~idx] + f[~idx] * jn(nu, k*r_s) * hankel2(nu, k*r[~idx]) return -1j*np.pi/alpha * d
def _sph_hn2(n, z): """Spherical Hankel function of 2nd kind.""" return np.asarray(sph_jn(n, z)) - 1j * np.asarray(sph_yn(n, z)) def _hoa_order_2d(N): """Computes order of HOA.""" if N % 2 == 0: return N//2 else: return (N-1)//2