Source code for sfs.fd.wfs

"""Compute WFS driving functions.

.. include:: math-definitions.rst

.. plot::
    :context: reset

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import sfs

    plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 6, 6

    xs = -1.5, 1.5, 0
    xs_focused = -0.5, 0.5, 0
    # normal vector for plane wave:
    npw = sfs.util.direction_vector(np.radians(-45))
    # normal vector for focused source:
    ns_focused = sfs.util.direction_vector(np.radians(-45))
    f = 300  # Hz
    omega = 2 * np.pi * f
    R = 1.5  # Radius of circular loudspeaker array

    grid = sfs.util.xyz_grid([-2, 2], [-2, 2], 0, spacing=0.02)

    array = sfs.array.circular(N=32, R=R)

    def plot(d, selection, secondary_source):
        p = sfs.fd.synthesize(d, selection, array, secondary_source, grid=grid)
        sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p, grid)
        sfs.plot2d.loudspeakers(array.x, array.n, selection * array.a, size=0.15)


import numpy as np
from numpy.core.umath_tests import inner1d  # element-wise inner product
from scipy.special import hankel2
from .. import util
from . import secondary_source_line, secondary_source_point

[docs]def line_2d(omega, x0, n0, xs, *, c=None): r"""Driving function for 2-dimensional WFS for a virtual line source. Parameters ---------- omega : float Angular frequency of line source. x0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. n0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of normal vectors of secondary sources. xs : (3,) array_like Position of virtual line source. c : float, optional Speed of sound. Returns ------- d : (N,) numpy.ndarray Complex weights of secondary sources. selection : (N,) numpy.ndarray Boolean array containing ``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether the corresponding secondary source is "active" or not. secondary_source_function : callable A function that can be used to create the sound field of a single secondary source. See `sfs.fd.synthesize()`. Notes ----- .. math:: D(\x_0,\w) = \frac{\i}{2} \wc \frac{\scalarprod{\x-\x_0}{\n_0}}{|\x-\x_\text{s}|} \Hankel{2}{1}{\wc|\x-\x_\text{s}|} Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs d, selection, secondary_source = sfs.fd.wfs.line_2d( omega, array.x, array.n, xs) plot(d, selection, secondary_source) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) xs = util.asarray_1d(xs) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) ds = x0 - xs r = np.linalg.norm(ds, axis=1) d = -1j/2 * k * inner1d(ds, n0) / r * hankel2(1, k * r) selection = util.source_selection_line(n0, x0, xs) return d, selection, secondary_source_line(omega, c)
def _point(omega, x0, n0, xs, *, c=None): r"""Driving function for 2/3-dimensional WFS for a virtual point source. Parameters ---------- omega : float Angular frequency of point source. x0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. n0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of normal vectors of secondary sources. xs : (3,) array_like Position of virtual point source. c : float, optional Speed of sound. Returns ------- d : (N,) numpy.ndarray Complex weights of secondary sources. selection : (N,) numpy.ndarray Boolean array containing ``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether the corresponding secondary source is "active" or not. secondary_source_function : callable A function that can be used to create the sound field of a single secondary source. See `sfs.fd.synthesize()`. Notes ----- .. math:: D(\x_0, \w) = \i\wc \frac{\scalarprod{\x_0-\x_\text{s}}{\n_0}} {|\x_0-\x_\text{s}|^{\frac{3}{2}}} \e{-\i\wc |\x_0-\x_\text{s}|} Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs d, selection, secondary_source = sfs.fd.wfs.point_3d( omega, array.x, array.n, xs) plot(d, selection, secondary_source) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) xs = util.asarray_1d(xs) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) ds = x0 - xs r = np.linalg.norm(ds, axis=1) d = 1j * k * inner1d(ds, n0) / r ** (3 / 2) * np.exp(-1j * k * r) selection = util.source_selection_point(n0, x0, xs) return d, selection, secondary_source_point(omega, c) point_2d = _point
[docs]def point_25d(omega, x0, n0, xs, xref=[0, 0, 0], c=None, omalias=None): r"""Driving function for 2.5-dimensional WFS of a virtual point source. .. versionchanged:: 0.5 see notes, old handling of `point_25d()` is now `point_25d_legacy()` Parameters ---------- omega : float Angular frequency of point source. x0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. n0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of normal vectors of secondary sources. xs : (3,) array_like Position of virtual point source. xref : (3,) array_like, optional Reference point xref or contour xref(x0) for amplitude correct synthesis. c : float, optional Speed of sound in m/s. omalias: float, optional Angular frequency where spatial aliasing becomes prominent. Returns ------- d : (N,) numpy.ndarray Complex weights of secondary sources. selection : (N,) numpy.ndarray Boolean array containing ``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether the corresponding secondary source is "active" or not. secondary_source_function : callable A function that can be used to create the sound field of a single secondary source. See `sfs.fd.synthesize()`. Notes ----- `point_25d()` derives 2.5D WFS from the 3D Neumann-Rayleigh integral (i.e. the TU Delft approach). The eq. (3.10), (3.11) in :cite:`Start1997`, equivalent to Eq. (2.137) in :cite:`Schultz2016` .. math:: D(\x_0,\w) = \sqrt{8 \pi \, \i\wc} \sqrt{\frac{|\x_\text{ref}-\x_0| \cdot |\x_0-\x_\text{s}|}{|\x_\text{ref}-\x_0| + |\x_0-\x_\text{s}|}} \scalarprod{\frac{\x_0-\x_\text{s}}{|\x_0-\x_\text{s}|}}{\n_0} \frac{\e{-\i\wc |\x_0-\x_\text{s}|}}{4\pi\,|\x_0-\x_\text{s}|} is implemented. The theoretical link of `point_25d()` and `point_25d_legacy()` was introduced as *unified WFS framework* in :cite:`Firtha2017`. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs d, selection, secondary_source = sfs.fd.wfs.point_25d( omega, array.x, array.n, xs) normalize_gain = 4 * np.pi * np.linalg.norm(xs) plot(normalize_gain * d, selection, secondary_source) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) xs = util.asarray_1d(xs) xref = util.asarray_1d(xref) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) ds = x0 - xs dr = xref - x0 s = np.linalg.norm(ds, axis=1) r = np.linalg.norm(dr, axis=1) d = ( preeq_25d(omega, omalias, c) * np.sqrt(8 * np.pi) * np.sqrt((r * s) / (r + s)) * inner1d(n0, ds) / s * np.exp(-1j * k * s) / (4 * np.pi * s)) selection = util.source_selection_point(n0, x0, xs) return d, selection, secondary_source_point(omega, c)
point_3d = _point
[docs]def point_25d_legacy(omega, x0, n0, xs, xref=[0, 0, 0], c=None, omalias=None): r"""Driving function for 2.5-dimensional WFS for a virtual point source. .. versionadded:: 0.5 `point_25d()` was renamed to `point_25d_legacy()` (and a new function with the name `point_25d()` was introduced). See notes for further details. Parameters ---------- omega : float Angular frequency of point source. x0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. n0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of normal vectors of secondary sources. xs : (3,) array_like Position of virtual point source. xref : (3,) array_like, optional Reference point for synthesized sound field. c : float, optional Speed of sound. omalias: float, optional Angular frequency where spatial aliasing becomes prominent. Returns ------- d : (N,) numpy.ndarray Complex weights of secondary sources. selection : (N,) numpy.ndarray Boolean array containing ``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether the corresponding secondary source is "active" or not. secondary_source_function : callable A function that can be used to create the sound field of a single secondary source. See `sfs.fd.synthesize()`. Notes ----- `point_25d_legacy()` derives 2.5D WFS from the 2D Neumann-Rayleigh integral (i.e. the approach by Rabenstein & Spors), cf. :cite:`Spors2008`. .. math:: D(\x_0,\w) = \sqrt{\i\wc |\x_\text{ref}-\x_0|} \frac{\scalarprod{\x_0-\x_\text{s}}{\n_0}} {|\x_0-\x_\text{s}|^\frac{3}{2}} \e{-\i\wc |\x_0-\x_\text{s}|} The theoretical link of `point_25d()` and `point_25d_legacy()` was introduced as *unified WFS framework* in :cite:`Firtha2017`. Also cf. Eq. (2.145)-(2.147) :cite:`Schultz2016`. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs d, selection, secondary_source = sfs.fd.wfs.point_25d_legacy( omega, array.x, array.n, xs) normalize_gain = np.linalg.norm(xs) plot(normalize_gain * d, selection, secondary_source) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) xs = util.asarray_1d(xs) xref = util.asarray_1d(xref) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) ds = x0 - xs r = np.linalg.norm(ds, axis=1) d = ( preeq_25d(omega, omalias, c) * np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(xref - x0)) * inner1d(ds, n0) / r ** (3 / 2) * np.exp(-1j * k * r)) selection = util.source_selection_point(n0, x0, xs) return d, selection, secondary_source_point(omega, c)
def _plane(omega, x0, n0, n=[0, 1, 0], *, c=None): r"""Driving function for 2/3-dimensional WFS for a virtual plane wave. Parameters ---------- omega : float Angular frequency of plane wave. x0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. n0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of normal vectors of secondary sources. n : (3,) array_like, optional Normal vector (traveling direction) of plane wave. c : float, optional Speed of sound. Returns ------- d : (N,) numpy.ndarray Complex weights of secondary sources. selection : (N,) numpy.ndarray Boolean array containing ``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether the corresponding secondary source is "active" or not. secondary_source_function : callable A function that can be used to create the sound field of a single secondary source. See `sfs.fd.synthesize()`. Notes ----- Eq.(17) from :cite:`Spors2008`: .. math:: D(\x_0,\w) = \i\wc \scalarprod{\n}{\n_0} \e{-\i\wc\scalarprod{\n}{\x_0}} Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs d, selection, secondary_source = sfs.fd.wfs.plane_3d( omega, array.x, array.n, npw) plot(d, selection, secondary_source) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) n = util.normalize_vector(n) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) d = 2j * k * np.inner(n, n0) * np.exp(-1j * k * np.inner(n, x0)) selection = util.source_selection_plane(n0, n) return d, selection, secondary_source_point(omega, c) plane_2d = _plane
[docs]def plane_25d(omega, x0, n0, n=[0, 1, 0], *, xref=[0, 0, 0], c=None, omalias=None): r"""Driving function for 2.5-dimensional WFS for a virtual plane wave. Parameters ---------- omega : float Angular frequency of plane wave. x0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. n0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of normal vectors of secondary sources. n : (3,) array_like, optional Normal vector (traveling direction) of plane wave. xref : (3,) array_like, optional Reference point for synthesized sound field. c : float, optional Speed of sound. omalias: float, optional Angular frequency where spatial aliasing becomes prominent. Returns ------- d : (N,) numpy.ndarray Complex weights of secondary sources. selection : (N,) numpy.ndarray Boolean array containing ``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether the corresponding secondary source is "active" or not. secondary_source_function : callable A function that can be used to create the sound field of a single secondary source. See `sfs.fd.synthesize()`. Notes ----- .. math:: D_\text{2.5D}(\x_0,\w) = \sqrt{\i\wc |\x_\text{ref}-\x_0|} \scalarprod{\n}{\n_0} \e{-\i\wc \scalarprod{\n}{\x_0}} Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs d, selection, secondary_source = sfs.fd.wfs.plane_25d( omega, array.x, array.n, npw) plot(d, selection, secondary_source) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) n = util.normalize_vector(n) xref = util.asarray_1d(xref) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) d = ( preeq_25d(omega, omalias, c) * np.sqrt(8*np.pi * np.linalg.norm(xref - x0, axis=-1)) * np.inner(n, n0) * np.exp(-1j * k * np.inner(n, x0))) selection = util.source_selection_plane(n0, n) return d, selection, secondary_source_point(omega, c)
plane_3d = _plane def _focused(omega, x0, n0, xs, ns, *, c=None): r"""Driving function for 2/3-dimensional WFS for a focused source. Parameters ---------- omega : float Angular frequency of focused source. x0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. n0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of normal vectors of secondary sources. xs : (3,) array_like Position of focused source. ns : (3,) array_like Direction of focused source. c : float, optional Speed of sound. Returns ------- d : (N,) numpy.ndarray Complex weights of secondary sources. selection : (N,) numpy.ndarray Boolean array containing ``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether the corresponding secondary source is "active" or not. secondary_source_function : callable A function that can be used to create the sound field of a single secondary source. See `sfs.fd.synthesize()`. Notes ----- .. math:: D(\x_0,\w) = \i\wc \frac{\scalarprod{\x_0-\x_\text{s}}{\n_0}} {|\x_0-\x_\text{s}|^\frac{3}{2}} \e{\i\wc |\x_0-\x_\text{s}|} Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs d, selection, secondary_source = sfs.fd.wfs.focused_3d( omega, array.x, array.n, xs_focused, ns_focused) plot(d, selection, secondary_source) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) xs = util.asarray_1d(xs) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) ds = x0 - xs r = np.linalg.norm(ds, axis=1) d = 1j * k * inner1d(ds, n0) / r ** (3 / 2) * np.exp(1j * k * r) selection = util.source_selection_focused(ns, x0, xs) return d, selection, secondary_source_point(omega, c) focused_2d = _focused
[docs]def focused_25d(omega, x0, n0, xs, ns, *, xref=[0, 0, 0], c=None, omalias=None): r"""Driving function for 2.5-dimensional WFS for a focused source. Parameters ---------- omega : float Angular frequency of focused source. x0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. n0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of normal vectors of secondary sources. xs : (3,) array_like Position of focused source. ns : (3,) array_like Direction of focused source. xref : (3,) array_like, optional Reference point for synthesized sound field. c : float, optional Speed of sound. omalias: float, optional Angular frequency where spatial aliasing becomes prominent. Returns ------- d : (N,) numpy.ndarray Complex weights of secondary sources. selection : (N,) numpy.ndarray Boolean array containing ``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether the corresponding secondary source is "active" or not. secondary_source_function : callable A function that can be used to create the sound field of a single secondary source. See `sfs.fd.synthesize()`. Notes ----- .. math:: D(\x_0,\w) = \sqrt{\i\wc |\x_\text{ref}-\x_0|} \frac{\scalarprod{\x_0-\x_\text{s}}{\n_0}} {|\x_0-\x_\text{s}|^\frac{3}{2}} \e{\i\wc |\x_0-\x_\text{s}|} Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs d, selection, secondary_source = sfs.fd.wfs.focused_25d( omega, array.x, array.n, xs_focused, ns_focused) plot(d, selection, secondary_source) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n0 = util.asarray_of_rows(n0) xs = util.asarray_1d(xs) xref = util.asarray_1d(xref) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) ds = x0 - xs r = np.linalg.norm(ds, axis=1) d = ( preeq_25d(omega, omalias, c) * np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(xref - x0)) * inner1d(ds, n0) / r ** (3 / 2) * np.exp(1j * k * r)) selection = util.source_selection_focused(ns, x0, xs) return d, selection, secondary_source_point(omega, c)
focused_3d = _focused
[docs]def preeq_25d(omega, omalias, c): r"""Pre-equalization filter for 2.5-dimensional WFS. Parameters ---------- omega : float Angular frequency. omalias: float Angular frequency where spatial aliasing becomes prominent. c : float Speed of sound. Returns ------- float Complex weight for given angular frequency. Notes ----- .. math:: H(\w) = \begin{cases} \sqrt{\i \wc} & \text{for } \w \leq \w_\text{alias} \\ \sqrt{\i \frac{\w_\text{alias}}{c}} & \text{for } \w > \w_\text{alias} \end{cases} """ if omalias is None: return np.sqrt(1j * util.wavenumber(omega, c)) else: if omega <= omalias: return np.sqrt(1j * util.wavenumber(omega, c)) else: return np.sqrt(1j * util.wavenumber(omalias, c))
[docs]def plane_3d_delay(omega, x0, n0, n=[0, 1, 0], *, c=None): r"""Delay-only driving function for a virtual plane wave. Parameters ---------- omega : float Angular frequency of plane wave. x0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. n0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of normal vectors of secondary sources. n : (3,) array_like, optional Normal vector (traveling direction) of plane wave. c : float, optional Speed of sound. Returns ------- d : (N,) numpy.ndarray Complex weights of secondary sources. selection : (N,) numpy.ndarray Boolean array containing ``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether the corresponding secondary source is "active" or not. secondary_source_function : callable A function that can be used to create the sound field of a single secondary source. See `sfs.fd.synthesize()`. Notes ----- .. math:: D(\x_0,\w) = \e{-\i\wc\scalarprod{\n}{\x_0}} Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs d, selection, secondary_source = sfs.fd.wfs.plane_3d_delay( omega, array.x, array.n, npw) plot(d, selection, secondary_source) """ x0 = util.asarray_of_rows(x0) n = util.normalize_vector(n) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) d = np.exp(-1j * k * np.inner(n, x0)) selection = util.source_selection_plane(n0, n) return d, selection, secondary_source_point(omega, c)
[docs]def soundfigure_3d(omega, x0, n0, figure, npw=[0, 0, 1], *, c=None): """Compute driving function for a 2D sound figure. Based on [Helwani et al., The Synthesis of Sound Figures, MSSP, 2013] """ x0 = np.asarray(x0) n0 = np.asarray(n0) k = util.wavenumber(omega, c) nx, ny = figure.shape # 2D spatial DFT of image figure = np.fft.fftshift(figure, axes=(0, 1)) # sign of spatial DFT figure = np.fft.fft2(figure) # wavenumbers kx = np.fft.fftfreq(nx, 1./nx) ky = np.fft.fftfreq(ny, 1./ny) # shift spectrum due to desired plane wave figure = np.roll(figure, int(k*npw[0]), axis=0) figure = np.roll(figure, int(k*npw[1]), axis=1) # search and iterate over propagating plane wave components kxx, kyy = np.meshgrid(kx, ky, sparse=True) rho = np.sqrt((kxx) ** 2 + (kyy) ** 2) d = 0 for n in range(nx): for m in range(ny): if(rho[n, m] < k): # dispertion relation kz = np.sqrt(k**2 - rho[n, m]**2) # normal vector of plane wave npw = 1/k * np.asarray([kx[n], ky[m], kz]) npw = npw / np.linalg.norm(npw) # driving function of plane wave with positive kz d_component, selection, secondary_source = plane_3d( omega, x0, n0, npw, c=c) d += selection * figure[n, m] * d_component return d, util.source_selection_all(len(d)), secondary_source