Source code for

"""Compute NFC-HOA driving functions.

.. include:: math-definitions.rst

.. plot::
    :context: reset

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import sfs
    from scipy.signal import unit_impulse

    # Plane wave
    npw = sfs.util.direction_vector(np.radians(-45))

    # Point source
    xs = -1.5, 1.5, 0
    rs = np.linalg.norm(xs)  # distance from origin
    ts = rs / sfs.default.c  # time-of-arrival at origin

    # Impulsive excitation
    fs = 44100
    signal = unit_impulse(512), fs

    # Circular loudspeaker array
    N = 32  # number of loudspeakers
    R = 1.5  # radius
    array = sfs.array.circular(N, R)

    grid = sfs.util.xyz_grid([-2, 2], [-2, 2], 0, spacing=0.02)

    def plot(d, selection, secondary_source, t=0):
        p =, selection, array, secondary_source, grid=grid,
        sfs.plot2d.level(p, grid)
        sfs.plot2d.loudspeakers(array.x, array.n, selection * array.a, size=0.15)

import numpy as _np
import scipy.signal as _sig
from scipy.special import eval_legendre as _legendre

from . import secondary_source_point as _secondary_source_point
from .. import default as _default
from .. import util as _util

[docs]def matchedz_zpk(s_zeros, s_poles, s_gain, fs): """Matched-z transform of poles and zeros. Parameters ---------- s_zeros : array_like Zeros in the Laplace domain. s_poles : array_like Poles in the Laplace domain. s_gain : float System gain in the Laplace domain. fs : int Sampling frequency in Hertz. Returns ------- z_zeros : numpy.ndarray Zeros in the z-domain. z_poles : numpy.ndarray Poles in the z-domain. z_gain : float System gain in the z-domain. See Also -------- :func:`scipy.signal.bilinear_zpk` """ z_zeros = _np.exp(s_zeros / fs) z_poles = _np.exp(s_poles / fs) omega = 1j * _np.pi * fs s_gain *= - s_zeros) / (omega - s_poles) * (-1 - z_poles) / (-1 - z_zeros)) return z_zeros, z_poles, _np.real(s_gain)
[docs]def plane_25d(x0, r0, npw, fs, max_order=None, c=None, s2z=matchedz_zpk): r"""Virtual plane wave by 2.5-dimensional NFC-HOA. .. math:: D(\phi_0, s) = 2\e{\frac{s}{c}r_0} \sum_{m=-M}^{M} (-1)^m \Big(\frac{s}{s-\frac{c}{r_0}\sigma_0}\Big)^\mu \prod_{l=1}^{\nu} \frac{s^2}{(s-\frac{c}{r_0}\sigma_l)^2+(\frac{c}{r_0}\omega_l)^2} \e{\i m(\phi_0 - \phi_\text{pw})} The driving function is represented in the Laplace domain, from which the recursive filters are designed. :math:`\sigma_l + \i\omega_l` denotes the complex roots of the reverse Bessel polynomial. The number of second-order sections is :math:`\nu = \big\lfloor\tfrac{|m|}{2}\big\rfloor`, whereas the number of first-order section :math:`\mu` is either 0 or 1 for even and odd :math:`|m|`, respectively. Parameters ---------- x0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. r0 : float Radius of the circular secondary source distribution. npw : (3,) array_like Unit vector (propagation direction) of plane wave. fs : int Sampling frequency in Hertz. max_order : int, optional Ambisonics order. c : float, optional Speed of sound in m/s. s2z : callable, optional Function transforming s-domain poles and zeros into z-domain, e.g. :func:`matchedz_zpk`, :func:`scipy.signal.bilinear_zpk`. Returns ------- delay : float Overall delay in seconds. weight : float Overall weight. sos : list of numpy.ndarray Second-order section filters :func:`scipy.signal.sosfilt`. phaseshift : (N,) numpy.ndarray Phase shift in radians. selection : (N,) numpy.ndarray Boolean array containing only ``True`` indicating that all secondary source are "active" for NFC-HOA. secondary_source_function : callable A function that can be used to create the sound field of a single secondary source. See ``. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs delay, weight, sos, phaseshift, selection, secondary_source = \, R, npw, fs) d = delay, weight, sos, phaseshift, signal) plot(d, selection, secondary_source) """ if max_order is None: max_order = _util.max_order_circular_harmonics(len(x0)) if c is None: c = _default.c x0 = _util.asarray_of_rows(x0) npw = _util.asarray_1d(npw) phi0, _, _ = _util.cart2sph(*x0.T) phipw, _, _ = _util.cart2sph(*npw) phaseshift = phi0 - phipw + _np.pi delay = -r0 / c weight = 2 sos = [] for m in range(max_order + 1): _, p, _ = _sig.besselap(m, norm='delay') s_zeros = _np.zeros(m) s_poles = c / r0 * p s_gain = 1 z_zeros, z_poles, z_gain = s2z(s_zeros, s_poles, s_gain, fs) sos.append(_sig.zpk2sos(z_zeros, z_poles, z_gain, pairing='nearest')) selection = _util.source_selection_all(len(x0)) return (delay, weight, sos, phaseshift, selection, _secondary_source_point(c))
[docs]def point_25d(x0, r0, xs, fs, max_order=None, c=None, s2z=matchedz_zpk): r"""Virtual Point source by 2.5-dimensional NFC-HOA. .. math:: D(\phi_0, s) = \frac{1}{2\pi r_\text{s}} \e{\frac{s}{c}(r_0-r_\text{s})} \sum_{m=-M}^{M} \Big(\frac{s-\frac{c}{r_\text{s}}\sigma_0}{s-\frac{c}{r_0}\sigma_0}\Big)^\mu \prod_{l=1}^{\nu} \frac{(s-\frac{c}{r_\text{s}}\sigma_l)^2-(\frac{c}{r_\text{s}}\omega_l)^2} {(s-\frac{c}{r_0}\sigma_l)^2+(\frac{c}{r_0}\omega_l)^2} \e{\i m(\phi_0 - \phi_\text{s})} The driving function is represented in the Laplace domain, from which the recursive filters are designed. :math:`\sigma_l + \i\omega_l` denotes the complex roots of the reverse Bessel polynomial. The number of second-order sections is :math:`\nu = \big\lfloor\tfrac{|m|}{2}\big\rfloor`, whereas the number of first-order section :math:`\mu` is either 0 or 1 for even and odd :math:`|m|`, respectively. Parameters ---------- x0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. r0 : float Radius of the circular secondary source distribution. xs : (3,) array_like Virtual source position. fs : int Sampling frequency in Hertz. max_order : int, optional Ambisonics order. c : float, optional Speed of sound in m/s. s2z : callable, optional Function transforming s-domain poles and zeros into z-domain, e.g. :func:`matchedz_zpk`, :func:`scipy.signal.bilinear_zpk`. Returns ------- delay : float Overall delay in seconds. weight : float Overall weight. sos : list of numpy.ndarray Second-order section filters :func:`scipy.signal.sosfilt`. phaseshift : (N,) numpy.ndarray Phase shift in radians. selection : (N,) numpy.ndarray Boolean array containing only ``True`` indicating that all secondary source are "active" for NFC-HOA. secondary_source_function : callable A function that can be used to create the sound field of a single secondary source. See ``. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: close-figs delay, weight, sos, phaseshift, selection, secondary_source = \, R, xs, fs) d = delay, weight, sos, phaseshift, signal) plot(d, selection, secondary_source, t=ts) """ if max_order is None: max_order = _util.max_order_circular_harmonics(len(x0)) if c is None: c = _default.c x0 = _util.asarray_of_rows(x0) xs = _util.asarray_1d(xs) phi0, _, _ = _util.cart2sph(*x0.T) phis, _, rs = _util.cart2sph(*xs) phaseshift = phi0 - phis delay = (rs - r0) / c weight = 1 / 2 / _np.pi / rs sos = [] for m in range(max_order + 1): _, p, _ = _sig.besselap(m, norm='delay') s_zeros = c / rs * p s_poles = c / r0 * p s_gain = 1 z_zeros, z_poles, z_gain = s2z(s_zeros, s_poles, s_gain, fs) sos.append(_sig.zpk2sos(z_zeros, z_poles, z_gain, pairing='nearest')) selection = _util.source_selection_all(len(x0)) return (delay, weight, sos, phaseshift, selection, _secondary_source_point(c))
[docs]def plane_3d(x0, r0, npw, fs, max_order=None, c=None, s2z=matchedz_zpk): r"""Virtual plane wave by 3-dimensional NFC-HOA. .. math:: D(\phi_0, s) = \frac{\e{\frac{s}{c}r_0}}{r_0} \sum_{n=0}^{N} (-1)^n (2n+1) P_{n}(\cos\Theta) \Big(\frac{s}{s-\frac{c}{r_0}\sigma_0}\Big)^\mu \prod_{l=1}^{\nu} \frac{s^2}{(s-\frac{c}{r_0}\sigma_l)^2+(\frac{c}{r_0}\omega_l)^2} The driving function is represented in the Laplace domain, from which the recursive filters are designed. :math:`\sigma_l + \i\omega_l` denotes the complex roots of the reverse Bessel polynomial. The number of second-order sections is :math:`\nu = \big\lfloor\tfrac{|m|}{2}\big\rfloor`, whereas the number of first-order section :math:`\mu` is either 0 or 1 for even and odd :math:`|m|`, respectively. :math:`P_{n}(\cdot)` denotes the Legendre polynomial of degree :math:`n`, and :math:`\Theta` the angle between :math:`(\theta, \phi)` and :math:`(\theta_\text{pw}, \phi_\text{pw})`. Parameters ---------- x0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. r0 : float Radius of the spherical secondary source distribution. npw : (3,) array_like Unit vector (propagation direction) of plane wave. fs : int Sampling frequency in Hertz. max_order : int, optional Ambisonics order. c : float, optional Speed of sound in m/s. s2z : callable, optional Function transforming s-domain poles and zeros into z-domain, e.g. :func:`matchedz_zpk`, :func:`scipy.signal.bilinear_zpk`. Returns ------- delay : float Overall delay in seconds. weight : float Overall weight. sos : list of numpy.ndarray Second-order section filters :func:`scipy.signal.sosfilt`. phaseshift : (N,) numpy.ndarray Phase shift in radians. selection : (N,) numpy.ndarray Boolean array containing only ``True`` indicating that all secondary source are "active" for NFC-HOA. secondary_source_function : callable A function that can be used to create the sound field of a single secondary source. See ``. """ if max_order is None: max_order = _util.max_order_spherical_harmonics(len(x0)) if c is None: c = _default.c x0 = _util.asarray_of_rows(x0) npw = _util.asarray_1d(npw) phi0, theta0, _ = _util.cart2sph(*x0.T) phipw, thetapw, _ = _util.cart2sph(*npw) phaseshift = _np.arccos( / r0, -npw)) delay = -r0 / c weight = 4 * _np.pi / r0 sos = [] for m in range(max_order + 1): _, p, _ = _sig.besselap(m, norm='delay') s_zeros = _np.zeros(m) s_poles = c / r0 * p s_gain = 1 z_zeros, z_poles, z_gain = s2z(s_zeros, s_poles, s_gain, fs) sos.append(_sig.zpk2sos(z_zeros, z_poles, z_gain, pairing='nearest')) selection = _util.source_selection_all(len(x0)) return (delay, weight, sos, phaseshift, selection, _secondary_source_point(c))
[docs]def point_3d(x0, r0, xs, fs, max_order=None, c=None, s2z=matchedz_zpk): r"""Virtual point source by 3-dimensional NFC-HOA. .. math:: D(\phi_0, s) = \frac{\e{\frac{s}{c}(r_0-r_\text{s})}}{4 \pi r_0 r_\text{s}} \sum_{n=0}^{N} (2n+1) P_{n}(\cos\Theta) \Big(\frac{s-\frac{c}{r_\text{s}}\sigma_0}{s-\frac{c}{r_0}\sigma_0}\Big)^\mu \prod_{l=1}^{\nu} \frac{(s-\frac{c}{r_\text{s}}\sigma_l)^2-(\frac{c}{r_\text{s}}\omega_l)^2} {(s-\frac{c}{r_0}\sigma_l)^2+(\frac{c}{r_0}\omega_l)^2} The driving function is represented in the Laplace domain, from which the recursive filters are designed. :math:`\sigma_l + \i\omega_l` denotes the complex roots of the reverse Bessel polynomial. The number of second-order sections is :math:`\nu = \big\lfloor\tfrac{|m|}{2}\big\rfloor`, whereas the number of first-order section :math:`\mu` is either 0 or 1 for even and odd :math:`|m|`, respectively. :math:`P_{n}(\cdot)` denotes the Legendre polynomial of degree :math:`n`, and :math:`\Theta` the angle between :math:`(\theta, \phi)` and :math:`(\theta_\text{s}, \phi_\text{s})`. Parameters ---------- x0 : (N, 3) array_like Sequence of secondary source positions. r0 : float Radius of the spherial secondary source distribution. xs : (3,) array_like Virtual source position. fs : int Sampling frequency in Hertz. max_order : int, optional Ambisonics order. c : float, optional Speed of sound in m/s. s2z : callable, optional Function transforming s-domain poles and zeros into z-domain, e.g. :func:`matchedz_zpk`, :func:`scipy.signal.bilinear_zpk`. Returns ------- delay : float Overall delay in seconds. weight : float Overall weight. sos : list of numpy.ndarray Second-order section filters :func:`scipy.signal.sosfilt`. phaseshift : (N,) numpy.ndarray Phase shift in radians. selection : (N,) numpy.ndarray Boolean array containing only ``True`` indicating that all secondary source are "active" for NFC-HOA. secondary_source_function : callable A function that can be used to create the sound field of a single secondary source. See ``. """ if max_order is None: max_order = _util.max_order_spherical_harmonics(len(x0)) if c is None: c = _default.c x0 = _util.asarray_of_rows(x0) xs = _util.asarray_1d(xs) phi0, theta0, _ = _util.cart2sph(*x0.T) phis, thetas, rs = _util.cart2sph(*xs) phaseshift = _np.arccos( / r0, xs / rs)) delay = (rs - r0) / c weight = 1 / r0 / rs sos = [] for m in range(max_order + 1): _, p, _ = _sig.besselap(m, norm='delay') s_zeros = c / rs * p s_poles = c / r0 * p s_gain = 1 z_zeros, z_poles, z_gain = s2z(s_zeros, s_poles, s_gain, fs) sos.append(_sig.zpk2sos(z_zeros, z_poles, z_gain, pairing='nearest')) selection = _util.source_selection_all(len(x0)) return (delay, weight, sos, phaseshift, selection, _secondary_source_point(c))
[docs]def driving_signals_25d(delay, weight, sos, phaseshift, signal): """Get 2.5-dimensional NFC-HOA driving signals. Parameters ---------- delay : float Overall delay in seconds. weight : float Overall weight. sos : list of array_like Second-order section filters :func:`scipy.signal.sosfilt`. phaseshift : (N,) array_like Phase shift in radians. signal : (L,) array_like + float Excitation signal consisting of (mono) audio data and a sampling rate (in Hertz). A `DelayedSignal` object can also be used. Returns ------- `DelayedSignal` A tuple containing the delayed signals (in a `numpy.ndarray` with shape ``(L, N)``), followed by the sampling rate (in Hertz) and a (possibly negative) time offset (in seconds). """ data, fs, t_offset = _util.as_delayed_signal(signal) N = len(phaseshift) out = _np.tile(_np.expand_dims(_sig.sosfilt(sos[0], data), 1), (1, N)) for m in range(1, len(sos)): modal_response = _sig.sosfilt(sos[m], data)[:, _np.newaxis] out += modal_response * _np.cos(m * phaseshift) return _util.DelayedSignal(2 * weight * out, fs, t_offset + delay)
[docs]def driving_signals_3d(delay, weight, sos, phaseshift, signal): """Get 3-dimensional NFC-HOA driving signals. Parameters ---------- delay : float Overall delay in seconds. weight : float Overall weight. sos : list of array_like Second-order section filters :func:`scipy.signal.sosfilt`. phaseshift : (N,) array_like Phase shift in radians. signal : (L,) array_like + float Excitation signal consisting of (mono) audio data and a sampling rate (in Hertz). A `DelayedSignal` object can also be used. Returns ------- `DelayedSignal` A tuple containing the delayed signals (in a `numpy.ndarray` with shape ``(L, N)``), followed by the sampling rate (in Hertz) and a (possibly negative) time offset (in seconds). """ data, fs, t_offset = _util.as_delayed_signal(signal) N = len(phaseshift) out = _np.tile(_np.expand_dims(_sig.sosfilt(sos[0], data), 1), (1, N)) for m in range(1, len(sos)): modal_response = _sig.sosfilt(sos[m], data)[:, _np.newaxis] out += (2 * m + 1) * modal_response * _legendre(m, _np.cos(phaseshift)) return _util.DelayedSignal(weight / 4 / _np.pi * out, fs, t_offset + delay)